Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange, Second Edition Kitabını İndir Oku Bilgi
Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange, Second Edition kitabı 1056 sayfadan oluşan Türkçe dilinde 16 x 24 cm ölçüsünde Karton Kapak olarak 07.06.2000 tarihinde Thomas Rizzo tarafından yazılarak MICROSOFT YAYINLARI tarafından basılıp piyasaya sürülmüştür. Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange, Second Edition kitabı 9780735610194 ISBN numarası ile kayıtlıdır.
Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange, Second Edition Kitabını PDF İndir Oku Açıklama
Build collaborative business solutions that bridge—and extend—enterprise resources.Develop and run core business services across the enterprise using Microsoft®’s powerful messaging and collaboration tools—Outlook® 2000, Exchange Server 5.5, and Exchange 2000 Server. This book delivers detailed guidance—plus the Digital Dashboard Starter Kit and a full cache of code on CD—to help you build rich, extensible solutions for tracking, messaging, workflow, knowledge management, and real-time collaboration.• Understand key Outlook building blocks—including folders and forms?and begin constructing solutions using the Outlook Object Model and Microsoft Visual Basic®, Scripting Edition (VBScript)• Create a digital dashboard that gives users single-click access to the company’s knowledge sources • Write custom scripts and agents and expand your development potential using Microsoft Exchange Event Service and scripting agents • Learn how the Active Directory™ Services Interface (ADSI) can increase your control of Exchange Server• Extend your application’s reach to the Web by using Microsoft Internet Information Services, Site Server, Outlook HTML Form Converter, Outlook Web Access, and Active Server Pages• Use Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) to write applications that interact with Exchange Server and also render content in HTML for the Web• Expand your Outlook 2000–based applications by creating COM add-ins• Start building applications for Exchange 2000—including working with new Web Store technology • Begin preparing for MCSD Exam 70-105INCLUDED ON CD-ROM:• Sample applications from the book—including the External Out-of-Office Messenger • Exchange 2000 SDK• Digital Dashboard Starter Kit• Help files and utilities• Supplementary chapters• Fully searchable electronic version of the book
Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange, Second Edition Kitabını PDF İndir Kategori
Programming Microsoft Outlook And Microsoft Exchange, Second Edition Kitabı Yayına Çıktığı 07.06.2000 Tarihinden İtibaren Toplamda 1 Kişi Tarafından Okunmuştur.
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