Impact Of Climate Change On Agriculture & Technical, Economic And Political Approaches Kitabını İndir Oku Bilgi
Impact Of Climate Change On Agriculture & Technical, Economic And Political Approaches kitabı 188 sayfadan oluşan İngilizce dilinde 15.5 x 23.5 cm ölçüsünde Karton Kapak olarak 10.01.2022 tarihinde Arda Akçal tarafından yazılarak HOLISTENCE PUBLICATIONS tarafından basılıp piyasaya sürülmüştür. Impact Of Climate Change On Agriculture & Technical, Economic And Political Approaches kitabı 9786258048186 ISBN numarası ile kayıtlıdır.
Impact Of Climate Change On Agriculture & Technical, Economic And Political Approaches Kitabını PDF İndir Oku Açıklama
The effects of climate change continue to appear in all areas of life, especially the agricultural production. The climate changes that will occur will affect the agriculture, habitat systems and also the natural conditions of animals and plants. On the other hand, the effects of drought will be seen more in all agricultural production systems as a result of not protecting water resources and not applying effective irrigation techniques in accordance with the production model in agriculture.In this book, some academic studies on topics such as climate change, the use of different cultivation techniques and irrigation in agriculture, agricultural economics and policies, ecology and food security are included by researchers who are experts in their fields.
Impact Of Climate Change On Agriculture & Technical, Economic And Political Approaches Kitabını PDF İndir Kategori
Impact Of Climate Change On Agriculture &Amp; Technical, Economic And Political Approaches Kitabı Yayına Çıktığı 10.01.2022 Tarihinden İtibaren Toplamda 12 Kişi Tarafından Okunmuştur.
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