130 Anwers From a Sufi Master Kitabını İndir Oku Bilgi
130 Anwers From a Sufi Master kitabı 79 sayfadan oluşan İngilizce dilinde 14 x 21 cm ölçüsünde Karton Kapak olarak 19.09.2015 tarihinde Şeyh Muhammed Nazım Adil el-Hakkani tarafından yazılarak İSTEV (İSTANBUL EĞİTİM VAKFI YAYINEVİ) tarafından basılıp piyasaya sürülmüştür. 130 Anwers From a Sufi Master kitabı 9786056495021 ISBN numarası ile kayıtlıdır.
130 Anwers From a Sufi Master Kitabını PDF İndir Oku Açıklama
“My Shaky Sultanul Awliya, may Allah sancifty his secret told me: ‘Nazim Efendi, I have given 7000 sohbats to you’. There ara 7000 sohbats of his that he gave to my heart. These come to me without my needing to look fo rthem in books. The meaning of 7000 sohbats is that they are 7000 different kinds of medicine. According to the need of a person we give from these medicines. During a sohbat, listen, pay attention to it. You may benefit.””Where can you find peace? Where is peace? You will get peace through being with Allah. Whoever is with Allah will be peaceful. If you are not with Alah will be peaceful. If you are not with Allah you will be with shaytan. The one who is with shaytan, his business is ruined.””Your actions take yoou either to paradise or to hell. If somebody keeps this secret he will be with Allah.”
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130 Anwers From A Sufi Master Kitabı Yayına Çıktığı 19.09.2015 Tarihinden İtibaren Toplamda 8 Kişi Tarafından Okunmuştur.
İstev (Istanbul Eğitim Vakfı Yayınevi) yayınevinin tüm kitapları ve eserlerine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz..