Speaking Tutor 1B +CD (Interactive Roleplays) Kitabını İndir Oku Bilgi
Speaking Tutor 1B +CD (Interactive Roleplays) kitabı 120 sayfadan oluşan İngilizce dilinde 21 x 28 cm ölçüsünde Karton Kapak olarak 21.09.2011 tarihinde Liana Robinson tarafından yazılarak COMPASS PUBLİSHİNG tarafından basılıp piyasaya sürülmüştür. Speaking Tutor 1B +CD (Interactive Roleplays) kitabı 9781599665443 ISBN numarası ile kayıtlıdır.
Speaking Tutor 1B +CD (Interactive Roleplays) Kitabını PDF İndir Oku Açıklama
Speaking Tutor is a three-level series designed for high-beginner to intermediate level students. The content of Speaking Tutor covers a wide range of content-based topics and language material over twelve units per level.Speaking Tutor is designed to encourage the student to move from individualized self-study to cooperative pair- and group-work interaction. Continued emphasis on presentations of increasing complexity helps the students gain confidence in speaking and provides valuable preparation for academic speaking situations that students are going to face at school and college. Speaking Tutor is perfectly placed to meet the requirements of English-only speaking environments.• Full-color illustrations and photographs• Clear, easy-to-use instructions for every task• Speaking-oriented activities on a variety of contemporary issues• Modeled examples providing maximum support in promoting independent English fluency• Downloadable audio recordings, answer keys, and teaching tipsUnit Structure• Presentation & Practice- Exposure to key words- First dialogue: introduction and practice• Extension & Detail- Highlighting grammar/ a key language structure with practice
Speaking Tutor 1B +CD (Interactive Roleplays) Kitabını PDF İndir Kategori
Speaking Tutor 1B +Cd (Interactive Roleplays) Kitabı Yayına Çıktığı 21.09.2011 Tarihinden İtibaren Toplamda 2 Kişi Tarafından Okunmuştur.
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